T-Minus 6 days (29FEB) until the Announcement of 24.1! And with that being said, it’s time to get your body right….again. Since we won’t know what the workout is until the announcement comes, what can you being doing to prepare?

Ideally, the best approach is going to be practicing shapes and positions you’re likely to see.
And not to mention, taking time to warmup AND cool down before each and every workout – but you do this already, right?
Remember, a good warmup should not gas you out prior to the workout and it should also not be random things tossed together.
So what should the warmup consist of?
A good warmup is going to get your heart rate up, make you sweat a little bit (increase that core temperature) and aid in priming the system before you go bounding across the gym.
Take a second to look at the shapes/body positions you frequently access during your workouts and pick stretches, mobilizations and exercises that will compliment those shapes. Or better yet, are there shapes/body positions you avoid regularly whether we’re talking about the Open or not?
Here's a smattering of the general mobilizations I like to use for a lot of the general shapes we see in a WOD.
For OHP, pullups, snatch, jerk (shoulder flexion)
Triceps Smash - https://youtube.com/shorts/6xBYmmHvNW8?si=eVcOL5v3me9ovtuh
Lat Smash - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DNEPvJSbwYw
Thoracic Spine Extension - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmRcekzUcp4
For dipping, pressing, rowing (shoulder extension)
Bully Stretch - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DB7xFzUZJig&t=5s
Banded Extension - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1umAlWJixs
For running, squats, deadlift, lunges (hip extension)
Anterior Hip Mobilization - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOBcfKPkSuk
For squats, lunges, deadlift, rowing (hip flexion)
Posterior Hip Mobilization - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XjGeVYmIvw
Spend 2-5 minutes performing some of the above movements on each side and then retest those troublesome positions.
Just a reminder of important dates, if you haven't written them down yet.
24.1 Announcement: 29FEB
24.1 Workout: 29FEB - 4MAR
24.2 Announcement: 7MAR
24.2 Workout: 7MAR - 11MAR
24.3 Announcement: 14MAR
24.3 Workout: 14MAR - 18MAR
Good luck to those of you participating in the Open!